
«Je n'ai qu'une passion: celle qui me permet d'être libre sous le joug, content dans la peine, riche dans la nécessité et vivant dans la mort.» Giordano Bruno

lundi 23 juin 2008

Reading Group (week 1), "Contributions to Philosophy": Analysis, section 0

For Heidegger, no "progress" in philosophy. The genuine relation to the word has been destroyed. By what? -Publicity? No, this is an "event" in the History of Being, an "event" sent (schicken) by Be-ing; man doesn't seem directly responsible for it. Saying that man is responsible for it is saying again that he has power over beings (being master and center), and can reverse the event depending upon his will, but the will of man is powerless here. Did the Greeks had this genuine relation with the word? Plato: instrumental view of language = no. Maybe the ones before Socrates.

We are in an age of crossing, from metaphysics into be-ing-historical thinking. There can be only attempts to think according to a more originary basic stance. En-thought, er-denken. Heidegger: Future thinking is a thinking that is underway. The task is: being owned over into enowning = essential transformation of the human from "rational animal" to Da-sein. Da-sein: man become the "there" of being; not the same Dasein as in "Being and Time", being has precedence over man (understood as "rational animal"). The proper title: From Enowning, indicates a thinking-saying that belongs to be-ing's word (das Wort des Seyns).

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